1. News -

    Thanks to people sharing their views with Healthwatch, local leaders have invested £17m to improve hospital discharge – read more.
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    When one person advocates for themselves for better health care and improved accessibility, we all benefit.
  3. News -

    Clear, understandable information is important to help you make decisions about your healthcare. It is feedback from people like Karl that inspired us to launch the Your Care, Your Way campaign last year.
  4. Report -

    NHS and social care services only make the best decisions if they listen to the people they care for. Read our Annual Report to Parliament to see how your feedback has helped decision-makers prioritise what matters most.
  5. Response -

    Public satisfaction with the NHS has slumped to its lowest level ever recorded by the British Social Attitudes Survey (BSA). Despite this, the public shows very strong support for the NHS. Read our response.
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    As we celebrate 75 years of our NHS and look to a future where everyone can get the care they need, we celebrate some of the people who took the time to share their experiences with us and helped make care better for everyone. 
  7. News -

    We welcome the creation of an independent public inquiry to learn lessons from the Covid-19 pandemic. The lessons from this inquiry could improve how government, NHS England, health and care providers and commissioners respond to future pandemics or public health emergencies.
  8. Response -

    The Association of Directors of Adult Social Services Spring Survey has been published today. This crucial annual report outlines the many pressures facing social care today, their impacts for people, the workforce and providers, and the views of directors of adult services.
  9. News -

    Getting good social care can make a big difference in someone's life. But are people always receiving the help they need? Find out what people have told us and how we think social care support could be improved.
  10. Blog -

    With nearly two million requests for adult social care support made each year, we look at what people tell us about this vital service.
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    We explore the three main challenges people face accessing health and care services when they live alone with limited or no support.
  12. Blog -

    Good communication with patients goes a long way.
  13. Blog -

    The statutory inquiry into how nurse Lucy Letby was able to murder seven babies is likely to result in lessons that the wider NHS needs to act on. One of the questions it will need to explore is how the NHS can tackle the culture of denial and secrecy that often lies at the heart of tragic scandals.
  14. Blog -

    The public needs a bold vision for health and care services, informed by the wealth of patient experience we’ve collected over the past decade.
  15. News -

    With the NHS under immense pressure, we look at the impact that waiting for a diagnosis, test, or treatment can have on individuals and some of the potential solutions that might help.
  16. Blog -

    As Remembrance Day approaches, we hear from army veteran Shaun about how long waiting times affected his ability to access NHS care.
  17. Report -

    This briefing shows how people's experiences can be used to support the development of a long-term vision for the NHS to strengthen these services.
  18. Advice and Information -

    NHS social prescribing link workers can connect you to the right community groups and services to help support you.
  19. Report -

    Find out how the NHS can work better across teams to help people who are receiving care.
  20. Report -

    Performance numbers and the media highlight the issues the NHS faces – but they only tell part of the story. Our new report brings to light the public’s perspective on the state of health and social care.
  21. Blog -

    As part of our report The public’s perspective: The state of health and social care, we have set out recommendations for decision makers across ten key areas.
  22. Advice and Information -

    Did you know Volunteer Responders can help you access support and services such as collecting prescriptions and shopping delivery?
  23. Blog -

    Social care reform is desperately needed to ensure the public can get the help they're entitled to, and that teams have the support they need to deliver this care.
  24. Response -

    Our chief executive reflects on the findings of the King's Fund's latest report on the state of adult social care.
  25. Response -

    Public satisfaction with the NHS has fallen to the lowest level ever recorded, according to analysis of the latest British Social Attitudes Survey.
  26. Blog -

    What can we learn from those forced to self-isolation because of a health problem? Rosie Adamson-Clark, shares her experience and top tips for remaining positive.
  27. Blog -

    Mazzie and Cindy, both 69 from Brighton, talk us through their volunteering experience to help with the COVID-19 effort.
  28. News -

    In our latest briefing, we look at the key issues the public have faced during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  29. Advice and Information -

    Take a look at what you need to know about the COVID-19 vaccination programme, including where to go and why it's important.
  30. Response -

    NHS England has achieved the first milestone in its plan to eliminate backlogs caused by Covid. Read our response.
  31. Advice and Information -

    Tips to help you stay well this winter and get the care you need.
  32. News -

    NHS England is moving forward the timetable for the autumn COVID-19 and flu vaccine rollouts.