1. Response -

    New research from the Care Quality Commission shows that people regret not raising concerns about their care - but those who do raise concerns see improvements.
  2. Response -

    The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman's Annual Review of Adult Social Care Complaints has revealed it is investigating a greater proportion of complaints than previous years. Read our response in full.
  3. Response -

    Today, the Parliamentary Health Service Ombudsman has reported a 36% increase in the number of investigations linked to people having a poor experience of leaving care.
  4. Response -

    New figures show that approximately 27,900 new written complaints were made to the NHS between July and September 2015.
  5. Response -

    Following a public consultation to which over 130,000 responses were received, the Department of Health has now published the NHS mandate.
  6. Response -

    A new report from the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman reveals that health and social care services are leaving too many complaints unresolved and not learning from mistakes, often having a devastating impact on individuals.
  7. Response -

    The Health Select Committee's new report on health and social care complaints further highlights the need for greater improvement and culture change in the way that people's complaints and concerns are handled.
  8. Response -

    We share what people have been telling the Healthwatch network about their experience making a complaint about NHS services to help inform the new investigation function of IPSIS.
  9. Response -

    Our perspective on the commission to review the proposed extension to the Duty of Candour.
  10. Response -

    New statistics show that there were 24,900 new written complaints in the first quarter of 2015/16. Read our response.
  11. Response -

    New report from the Parliamentary and Health Services Ombudsman finds three key issues with how investigations into serious incidents in the NHS are conducted. Read our response.
  12. Response -

    The Public Administration Select Committee (PASC) has published their report looking at how incidents of clinical failure in the NHS are investigated – and how subsequent complaints are handled.
  13. Response -

    We have written to the Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt to take action with a seven-point plan for reform to help create an effective and compassionate complaints system.
  14. Response -

    Read our response to evidence from Public Health England that COVID-19 is having a disproportionate impact on people from Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic communities.
  15. Response -

    Using your feedback on care, we share with Government the issues we believe should be included in the objectives for the NHS for the year ahead. Read our recommendations.
  16. Response -

    Read our response to the latest NHS data on cancer support.
  17. Response -

    Figures from NHS England show 7.2 million people were waiting to start routine treatment at the end of October, up from 7.1 million in September. Read our response.
  18. Response -

    We have written a letter to NHS England to express our disappointment at the lack of progress in reviewing the legally-binding Accessible Information Standard.
  19. Response -

    Using your feedback on care, we share with the Government the issues we believe should be included in the objectives for the NHS for the years ahead. Read our recommendations.
  20. Response -

    Care Quality Commission has today published its annual State of Care report, highlighting that a combination of cost-of-living crisis and workforce pressures risks ‘unfair care’ for many people. Read our response.
  21. Response -

    Healthwatch and national organisations representing patients and NHS leaders express concerns over Royal Mail plans to delay bulk mail of NHS appointment letters.
  22. Response -

    Read our response to the increase in fees for NHS dental care.
  23. Response -

    Our chief executive reflects on the findings of the King's Fund's latest report on the state of adult social care.
  24. Response -

    Public satisfaction with the NHS has fallen to the lowest level ever recorded, according to analysis of the latest British Social Attitudes Survey.